Intra-African agricultural exports are mainly palm oil, sugar, maize, rice, and cigarettes. Conceptually, the agreement establishing the AfCFTA was signed at the…

Intra-African agricultural exports are mainly palm oil, sugar, maize, rice, and cigarettes. Conceptually, the agreement establishing the AfCFTA was signed at the…
Speaking at the opening ceremony, the Prime Minister Dr Edouard Ngirente said that the AfCFTA, which was operationalized on July 7 at the 12th Extraordinary…
Rising tensions between Egypt and Ethiopia over construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) have led to speculation that there could be a…
WINDHOEK – Chinese ambassador to Namibia Zhang Yiming yesterday said the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is ‘an important milestone’ in…
Amidst controversy over the benefits of Nigeria’s signing of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement, AfCFTA, the Vice President of Nigeria, Professor Yemi…
Windhoek – Namibia-Zimbabwe bilateral co-operation should play a positive role in the operationalisation of the African Continent Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA)…
The AfCFTA Agreement, which creates a single market for goods and services and movement of persons to increase intra-African trade and deepen African…
With Nigeria signing the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement, what are the benefits? Arguably the continent’s most ambitious integration…
tripartite talks between Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan to reach an agreement on the rules of filling and operating the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).
tripartite talks between Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan to reach an agreement on the rules of filling and operating the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).
The alarming concerns about how the EU Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA) could undermine the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) ought to…
CAIRO – Egyptian analysts downplayed reports about Israel installing an advanced air defence system at the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, a multibillion-…
Anna Okon. The President, Manufacturers Association of Nigeria, Mansur Ahmed, has tasked members of the association on product upgrade ahead of the…
Africa and Ghanaians were thrilled with the news of the operationalization of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement on the 7th of July…
COMESA banks on Pres. Kenyatta’s support for success of AfCFTA. By. PSCU.
As countries begin to implement AfCFTA, regional and continental trade, their markets will become more integrated and it will be easier for companies to integrate…
Hirut Zemene, Ethiopian State Minister of Foreign Affairs, said Ethiopia, within the coming 15 years, will scale back 90 percent of tariffs for members of AfCFTA. The…
Palm producers, rice stakeholders express worry over Nigeria’s approval of AfCFTA. By Femi Ibirogba | 15 July 2019 | 3:18 am. Stakeholders in the oil palm…
“This will make them derive benefits from the boom in intra-African trade under AfCFTA,” he said. Spio-Garbrah said there was a need for the manufacturing firms…
The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) was officially launched at the 12th Extraordinary Summit of the African Union (AU) in Niamey, Niger last…
ZAMBIA’S Ambassador to Ethiopia, His Excellency Emmanuel Mwamba says Zambia is committed to ensuring that it becomes a ratified Member of the African…
In Afrika gibt es jetzt die potenziell grf’dfte Freihandelszone der Welt. Doch die Liste der Probleme ist lang. Kann das Abkommen nachhaltig zur wirtschaftlichen…
On a pan-African scale, the economic impact of AfCFTA will be significant… removing tariffs on intra-African trade will boost net income at the continental level by…
The AfCFTA is a trade agreement among 49 AU member states with the goal of creating a single market, followed by the free movement of people and a single-…
AFCFTA: Tax implications for Nigeria- An unanticipated problem was encountered, check back soon and try again- CNBC Africa Newsletters.
Titled ‘Next Steps for the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), the report argues that AfCFTA’s success will be measured largely by its ability to actually…
Morocco’s accession to the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) does not imply a”recognition” of an entity that poses a threat to its territorial integrity…
He added that, as part of its support for the implementation of the AfCFTA, the Bank had provided support to aid the work being done by the African Regional…, JAKARTA – Para pemimpin Afrika membentuk blok ekonomi baru dengan meluncurkan zona perdagangan bebas di benua tersebut pada Minggu…
It signed the AfCFTA in 2018 in Kigali and was the 22nd member of the AU to ratify it this year, thus bringing it into force for implementation. AU Chairman,…
The new African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) will make its home in Ghana, a decision announced Sunday during an African Union summit in Niger…
an air defence system to Ethiopia to protect the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam being built on the River Nile, international news agencies have reported.
Nigeria y Ben’edn firmaron hoy el acuerdo que establece el crea de Libre Comercio Continental de frica (AfCFTA), dejando a Eritrea…
AU officials announced the launch of five “operational instruments” of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) with African nations agreeing to shared “…
AfCFTA came into force on May 30 after 22 AU member states had ratified it. Afterwards, three other states submitted their instruments of ratification so that the total…
He also maintained that by signing the AfCFTA, the Nigerian economy was not in any way exposed to any economic or social hazards since the pact had all the…
Nigeria, the continent’s largest economy and most populous country, will finally sign the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement which aims…
A lot has been achieved since the AfCFTA agreement was opened for signature on 21st March, 2018 in Kigali, Rwanda and what is expected as the African Union…