è impegnata in opere in tutto il mondo: dall’ampliamento del Canale di Panama alla grande diga in Etiopia nell’ambito del Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam…

è impegnata in opere in tutto il mondo: dall’ampliamento del Canale di Panama alla grande diga in Etiopia nell’ambito del Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam…
“We have also been the first foreign company to give $2 million in support of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam,” he said referring to a mega construction of…
There are also several ongoing projects, including the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, which would significantly improve the nation’s installed power…
Lyons: The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, or GERD, is expected to be the largest hydroelectric dam in Africa when completed. The dam is under construction…
pushing forward with the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, despite Egypt’s objections. A diplomat, who spoke to Mada Masr on condition…
Therefore, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) is regarded as an Arab Gulf issue and not just a purely Egyptian affair. 3. Challenge to Egyptian…
Visite du Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, construit sur le Nil bleu (nord-ouest de l’Ethiopie), en 2015. ( Minasse Wondimu Hailu/ Anadolu Agency/ AFP).