Previous articleDownstream costs of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. Next articleAcacia Mining slapped with huge tax bill as shares tumble · CCE NEWS…

Previous articleDownstream costs of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. Next articleAcacia Mining slapped with huge tax bill as shares tumble · CCE NEWS…
The government of Ethiopia is currently constructing the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). Once complete, the GERD will be the largest hydropower…
ISS Today: Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam a threat to downstream Nile states, including Egypt. By ISS Today• 25 July 2017…
Scheduled for completion this year is the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on the Blue Nile about 15kms from the Sudanese border. The reservoir behind the…
In fact, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam is only half way to completion. Widely circulated satellite photos showing a lake behind the dam have sparked…
Intense activity by several official Egyptian actors is underway as Ethiopia begins to pool water at the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam reservoir site, which…
That position inspired Egypt’s initial opposition to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, which is scheduled to open along the Blue Nile at some point in the…
hydropower schemes after undertaking ambitious projects like the 6GW Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, which is presently nearing completion. Ethiopia…