Although construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) is seen by Ethiopians as having a vital role in transforming the country’s economy and…

Although construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) is seen by Ethiopians as having a vital role in transforming the country’s economy and…
La construction du Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (DERD), sur le Nil Bleu, un des principaux affluent du Nil, qui constitue la sève nourricière de l’Egypte…
to be key in managing the country’s share of the Nile basin water, a share that is now threatened by the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.
Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Reservoir. Advertisement. By Samuel Gebre. Bloomberg – Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki denied his country’s deepening…
Another key hydropower project is the controversial Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), which is due to be completed later this year. The brainchild of…
“סכר התקומה האתיופי הגדול” Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam)), אמור לייצר 6,000 מגה-ווט של חשמל לאזרחי אתיופיה, שנכון להיום לרובם (כ-75 אחוז) אין כלל גישה לחשמל.
Two projects underway, including the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), will more than triple Ethiopia’s current generating capacity, and rank among…
Nile have reached a deadlock, and it called for international mediation, reports Reuters. The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), announced in 2011…
In the case of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, the government has stated that it will be used only to generate hydropower — not the most worrying…
Among other things, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam will, not only, raise nation’s power-generating capacity, it will also allow the people to meet our…
to be made more complex by the construction of Africa’s largest reservoir, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam near the border with Ethiopia and Sudan.