Vodní elektrárna Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam má mít po dokončení kapacitu šest tisíc megawattů. Addis Abeba do elektrárny investovala již šest miliard…

Vodní elektrárna Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam má mít po dokončení kapacitu šest tisíc megawattů. Addis Abeba do elektrárny investovala již šest miliard…
The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam in close snapshot (Photo: Bassem Abo Alabass). In 2015, Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan signed a Declaration of principal s…
expansion, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, the Cityringen metro in Copenhagen, the Riyadh Metro and the Stavros Niarchos cultural centre in Athens.
The development of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), has raised concerns around its impact on the country’s long-term water supply, and its…
This particular struggle has been on full display in recent negotiations over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, which is situated on the Blue Nile.
Velika brana etiopske renesanse (Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam), koja je izazivala velike kontroverze, konačno bi trebalo da bude završena u 2017. godini…
The dispute over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam is only the most recent expression of a longstanding conflict over the Nile. (ZACHARIAS ABUBEKER/AFP…
After much controversy, work on the 10,000,000m3 Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam will be complete. Constructed in the Benishangul-Gumuz region at a cost…