Relations soured, in fact, after Addis Ababa constructed the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, which could halt the flow of water to Egypt. There is animosity…

Relations soured, in fact, after Addis Ababa constructed the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, which could halt the flow of water to Egypt. There is animosity…
The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Gets Set to Open. The controversial dam is nearly done, but will drought and lack of grid infrastructure lessen its impact?
In recent times, many countries around the globe have fallen victim to water-conflicts. For example, the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on…
The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam under construction will provide 6,000 megawatts of electricity to the region. Ethiopia is experiencing growing pains…
The dispute between Egypt and Ethiopia over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam could take “months” to resolve, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo…
Worthy Mention: The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, Ethiopia. Ethiopia’s Renaissance Dam will generate 6,000 MW of electricity and will cost the…
In addition to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) on the Nile, it has been working to boost other green power projects in geothermal, solar and wind…
in theory, next year: the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on the Blue Nile. Together these projects are intended to turn Ethiopia, which has scarce minerals…
The Saudi delegation visited the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) construction site and met with the chief engineer, discussing the current state of the…
Egyptian media lashed out at Saudi Arabia over a high-level Saudi delegation visit to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) during a short trip to…
These three dams, along with the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), also being built by Salini Impregilo, are part of Ethiopia’s ambitious plan to arrive…
At a cost of $4.8 billion, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam will provide hydroelectric power to Ethiopia and nearby countries. There is some criticism…
Symboolprojecten zoals de stadstrein in hoofdstad Addis Abeba en de Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, de controversiële dam op de Blauwe Nijl – Afrika’s…
The dispute begins in Ethiopia’s attempt to regain control of its contributory river, the Blue Nile, by building the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).
Construction work underway on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. Image courtesy of Salini. Site C Artist’s impression of the Site C project in BC, Canada.