In 2016, the remainder will come online while the country will commission the first two 375-MW turbines of its 6-GW Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. And as…

In 2016, the remainder will come online while the country will commission the first two 375-MW turbines of its 6-GW Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. And as…
They’re building the largest hydroelectric power dam in Africa on the Nile river — the Grand [Ethiopian] Renaissance Dam which will contribute 6,000 MW.
Fra i grandi progetti che sta realizzando figurano, oltre all’espansione del Canale di Panama, la Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, la metro Cityringen di…
Ethiopia also recently announced that its Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam will be completed in 2017. This dam will supply 6,000 megawatts of electricity…
The £2.9bn Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam – mostly funded by Ethiopian taxpayers – is being built in the Benishangul region on the border with Sudan and…
“Our Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam has become the leading project to ensure Ethiopia’s vision of becoming the centre for the renewable energy in Africa”…
“Our Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam has become the leading project to ensure Ethiopia’s vision of becoming the centre for the renewable energy in Africa,”…