diventerà, almeno fino all’apertura della Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam sul Nilo Azzurro, sempre appaltata a Salini-Impregilo, la più grande diga africana…

diventerà, almeno fino all’apertura della Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam sul Nilo Azzurro, sempre appaltata a Salini-Impregilo, la più grande diga africana…
(Plenty of money, of course, is already committed to projects such as building the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam—Africa’s biggest—which will cost about $5…
Orchid’s projects include one with Italy’s Salini Impregilo SpA building the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, said Hailealem Worku, the construction and…
del mondo, la Gerd (Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam) la cui costruzione avrà un impatto grave sull’approvvigionamento delle acque del Nilo in Egitto.
The synergy and the conviction of the people and government of Ethiopia towards the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) is…
Agreement to conduct impact studies of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on neighbouring countries, signed in Khartoum, Sudan on 26 August, 2014.
The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. Less than a year after the signing of the CFA by five states, and as if the differences over the CFA were not enough…
The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, known as GERD and dubbed a main challenge for Egyptian diplomacy, is under construction on the Blue Nile. Cairo is…